BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network
Scientists working together to transform our understanding of the human brain.

Access BICAN Data
We are pleased to announce the availability of the first public release of post-QC data from the BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network in the BICAN Data Catalog. This release includes transcriptomic and epigenomic data profiling single cell diversity across mouse, human, and 10 other mammalian species. Visit the new BICAN program page to explore interactive dashboards, detailed specimen information, and integrated data from multiple sources.
The BRAIN Initiative® Cell Atlas Network (BICAN) is a collaborative effort between neuroscientists, computational biologists and software engineers to create a comprehensive atlas of the human brain. Supported by the U.S. BRAIN Initiative, we are dedicated to advancing our knowledge of the brain by gathering and sharing new data that allows us to develop the “parts list” of the brain, detailing the vast array of neurons and non-neuronal cells in the human brain. The BICAN continues the work of the BICCN consortium.
Our mission is to create an open-access compendium of data and tools that will enable researchers to better understand the structure and function of the brain and advance neuroscience research. We are committed to fostering collaboration among the scientific community and promoting the sharing of data and tools.